
How will we guarantee our fulfilment of providing a sustainable protocol?

"As we have seen what happens in other projects when investors compound for months then when they are all withdrawing, the income of the project can not sustain it. What will you guys do in this situation and how do you plan for it?"

Well to answer that question, there will eventually be a cap imposed on Kingdoms. Essentially meaning there is a max amount of bronze, silver, gold Kingdoms to be created. (amount to be released) "Well what will happen then? There won't be any buy pressure?" We have also thought that through, the kingdoms will become NFT's, able to be bought and sold on a external marketplace (later to be disclosed).

The NFT's will ultimately earn rewards daily from the protocol. "But we can't create kingdoms anymore so the $Alora token will just be constantly sold from Kingdom NFT holders?" Exactly, which is why we would move away from $Alora and instead reward our NFT's holders with $BUSD (Binance pegged dollar) directly from the profit of the Marketplace and treasury.

Essentially making NFT holders, Alora's shareholders. The NFT's will still have a daily yield which will be airdropped directly to your wallet excluding the need of the dApp. As you can see in our Marketplace's medium: We will be accepting debit/credit cards and PayPal as well as Crypto, partnered with our experienced E-commerce team, the marketplace will gain revenue constantly through products being bought through all payment gateways.

This means the protocol will gain revenue consistently as 50% profits are sent back to the protocol which results in, of course the NFT holders earning revenue!

With a restriction of Kingdoms, future $BUSD payments daily, real world-use utility, Funds being earnt by the Marketplace growing consistently due to more and more exposure over time, would all result in the NFT Kingdoms price continually growing over time as the Marketplace earns more.

Last updated