The tokenomics of the protocol are as follows:
Total Supply: 1,000,000 $ALORA
Liquidity Pool: 150,000 $ALORA
Team Allocation: 75,000 $ALORA
Reserve Allocation: 75,000 $ALORA
Rewards Pool: 700,000 $ALORA
1,000, 500 or 250 BUSD per user for whitelist presale (BRONZE Kingdoms issued, NOT tokens)
$1000 BUSD will receive 50 bronze kingdoms
$500 BUSD will receive 25 bronze kingdoms
$250 BUSD will receive 12 bronze kingdoms
The following are the general rules and information regarding the trading of the Alora Money token $ALORA:
The compounding fee will be 0%.
Claiming fee will be 0%.
The fee for selling $ALORA token rewards will be 16%.
The fee for buying $ALORA token rewards will be 14%.
Buy/Sell fees will be reduced 2% each per week until it stops and stays at 8% for buy tax, with 10% for sell tax
Last updated